Code Blue PC Repair was established in 2007 with one mission: to bring a reliable, high quality Computer Repair Service to Ventura County. Our passion for excellence is what inspired us to open up our shop, and continues to drive us to this day. All our repairs are completed with meticulous detail, resulting in a product that is as good as new.
We repair, service, and support everything from home users to mid-size companies. PC / Apple / Servers / Networks, etc. I also offer tutoring to help get the most out of your computer. I repair, service, and support everything from home users to mid-size companies. PC / Apple / Servers / Networks, you name it we do it. We also offer tutoring to help get the most out of your computer.
The world of technology can be fast-paced and scary. That's why our goal is to provide an experience that is tailored to your needs. No matter the budget, we pride ourselves on providing professional customer service. We guarantee you will be satisfied with our work.
4357 Milpas Street, Camarillo, California 93012, United States
(805) 622-7303 (323) 250-3303 eMaiil:
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